I’m excited to announce that the two ebooks that I am selling are now available through PayPal! Some of you have been waiting for this because previously they were only available for the Kindle until now.

I am also working on some other ebooks as well that will be available soon! Including an affirmation ebook that you, my readers have helped me with! You can still get in on it by sharing your favorite affirmation here.

Without any further ado…


blog blogger beginner Successful Blogging is for the blogger who is ready to learn more than the basics. It is for the blogger who is ready to bring their blog to an entirely new level of success! Successful Blogging: How to Turn Your Blog Into a Thriving Success – Even From Scratch!




productivity Become the Most Productive You is a great resource for improving productivity in all areas of our lives. You can read through it quickly for ideas on increasing your productivity. If you are looking for real change and real growth in your productivity then I suggest that you grab a pen and paper and take notes. Then go to work and make some real changes in your life!



As always, you can download my free ebooks directly!

blog blogger beginner

Blogging Basics covers topics to help the new blogger get started. Some of the topics included are: new blogger tips, five ways to attract targeted blog followers, and making extra income, with your blog. Click the picture to download the free ebook!




Powerful Thinking, Successful Living is a free ebook which explains in an easy to understand way how you can apply the power of affirmations to your thinking to change not only your thinking but your life as well. It is simple but powerful. Click the picture to download the free ebook now.



Adjust Your Thinking…Change Your Life! This 60 page book is packed full of value on how to change your life by changing the way that you think. This no-fluff, all-content book will really help you to make the changes you desire in your life, relationships, business, etc. Click the picture to access the free ebook!



You can find all of these books on my Books & Freebies tab on the top of any page!

To Your Success,


PS: Have a VERY happy holiday season!